This is a strategic visioning process that will assist the City in charting a path to 2020 and beyond.

There are five subcommittees, identified. The initial kickoff was held on Saturday, January 22, at 9:30 AM at our newly revitalized City Hall. Thereafter, each subcommittee will meet monthly for the next 10 months. We hope to complete the visioning process and submit the report by the end of the year.


  • Education/Jobs
  • Redevelopment/Economics
  • Transportation/Energy
  • Taxes/Services
  • Activities/Citizen Retention

Reports/Reference Center

On behalf of the City Council, it is my pleasure to thank all of the citizens who have volunteered their valuable time in this valuable visioning process. The 5 Committee reports as presented to the City Council on October 24, 2011 in their original form are included here for your review. Each represents a great deal of research and analysis. The next step will be a conversation between each of the Committees and the City Council in a Study Session format. These meetings are of course open to the public and likely beginning Monday November 28 at 6:00 PM in The Community Room of City Hall. From these meetings, a set of action steps may be developed in order to facilitate realization of the recommendations. Please stay tuned as we all work toward an even better Farmington Hills! Thank you very much.


Jerry Ellis

PDF Icon Energy & Transportation Summary
PDF IconEducation & Jobs Summary
PDF Icon Activities and Citizen Retention Subcommittee Recommendations
PDF Icon Economic Redevelopment Team Final Report
PDF Icon Taxes & Services Summary

PDF Icon Master Plan for Future Land Use 2009
PDF Icon Sustainability Study
PDF Icon Parks and Recreation Master Plan Report
PDF Icon Consolidated Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
PDF Icon Budget
PDF Icon Redevelopment Committee Report

Michigan Municipal League
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